Across the globe, educators, providers and students are experiencing A Better Day every day

in the classroom and in the therapeutic setting.

You can, too!

The 4 Steps

NOTE: When we refer to “classroom” we are referring to teaching, support and counseling in the school classroom environment, during ONLINE learning and in therapeutic settings.

Energy to Teach, Energy To Learn

Learn this simple and fun process, just like balancing a checking account, that reverses burn-out in educators and students alike. Without the energy to teach and learn, student engagement and connection between teacher and student can be unpredictable at best.

Discover A Student’s Learning Temperament

When we observe disconnect in our students, one or two simple adjustments in the learning environment or in our approach with that student can make all the difference.

When we know what nurtures a student’s openness to learning and what interrupts his focus, the long sought solutions become obvious. Students feel understood, supported and cared for. Agitations in the environment that we never recognized before can be diffused.

When we identify the unmet needs in our students, we take a giant step toward short circuiting behaviors that interrupt learning and cause distraction in learning. From preschool through high school age, non-verbal cues can give us volumes of information. Follow this simple guide to engage the disengaged student.

Learn the Truth About Challenging Behaviors 

By applying a large variety of thought shifting strategies, we begin to reach even previously unreachable students at a whole new level. As a result, our students begin to succeed at a whole new level. Learn how to identify how each student’s brain works and use the information to help students feel increased confidence and connection.

Discover scientifically proven therapeutic visualization methods that can shift any interaction.

We all need A Better Day, not only in the classroom, but across our country and in our world.

Better Days for all start with happier young people!

The Science of Visualization


You will learn that the 4 steps presented in A Better Day Curriculum need not be used in a linear way. Once you get a sense of all 4 steps and the tools within each step, you will use your own teaching method and  personal preferences to choose what tools to try. You will begin to intuitively sense how to combine tools to bring about the desired result.  You’ll love how it feels. You’ll love how it works. From the very first day.

It can can be difficult to connect with students in the school environment.  Relationship and engagement can be even more challenging when delivering online programs. Using these 4 steps can provide educators in all settings with practical ways to forge the all important connection with each student. That’s when learning happens. Fight or flight is transformed into feeling at peace and cared for.